OMPS 2 SRL provides:
- spare parts for Beretta firearms;
- spare parts for Benelli firearms;
- spare parts for Diana firearms;
- spare parts for Perazzi firearms;
- spare parts for Rizzini firearms;
In our online shop, in addition to spare parts for weapons, you can also find many equipment and accessories for gunsmiths:
- Abrasive Compound
- Accessories for Cleaning
- Adjustable mechanism stock
- Beretta Original Magazine
- Blades
- Bows
- Brushes and Disks
- Cases
- Checkering Tools
- Cheekpieces
- Chemicals and Oils
- Chokes
- Chokes Wrenches
- Cocking Pieces
- Compatible Fore-End
- Compatible Stocks
- Cutters
- Dent Removing Devices
- Dies
- Diestocks
- Drills
- Ear Muffs, Ear Plugs and Glasses
- Emery Cloth
- Escutcheons
- Expanding Wheels
- Extractor
- Files
- Finger Protection
- Firing Pins
- Forend Push Rod
- Front Sights
- Gauges
- Handles
- Jaws and Clamps
- Levers
- Measuring Devices
- Pellets
- Pins
- Pivot
- Plastic Rib
- Plungers
- Products for engravings
- Products for wood
- Punches
- Rasps
- Recoil Pads
- Recoil Pad Covers
- Recoli Pads Spacers
- Safety Bottons
- Scope monts and Sight elevation
- Screwdrivers
- Screws and Side Plugs
- Setscrews
- Sling Swivel
- Slings and Targets
- Snap Caps
- Special Pistol Parts
- Split Pin Drivers
- Split Pins
- Spools
- Springs
- Stock bending machine
- Stock Bolt Screw
- Stock Bolts
- Tap Wrench
- Taps
- Trigger Guards
- Universal gun stock measuring device
- Walnut Woods
- Washers and Bushings
- Wrenches for Stocks disassembly