

We will be closed for holidays from 10th to 28th August (inclusive). Orders received after 12:00 on August 9th will be processed starting from August 29th in order of arrival. It may take a few days for all queued orders to be processed.

Receiving subject:

Via Matteotti, 343
25063 Gardone Val Trompia - Brescia (Italia)
Partita IVA: 03575300987
C.F. e Iscriz. Reg. Impr. Brescia n.: 03575300987
REA: BS-545963 - Capitale Sociale: 10.000,00 € i.v.

Lender Amount collected Collection date Motivation
Agenzia delle Entrate - Codice fiscale e Partita IVA: 06363391001 326,00 € 2020 Credito imposta sanificazione art. 125 DL 34/2020
Agenzia delle Entrate - Codice fiscale e Partita IVA: 06363391001 8.351,00 € 2020 Contributo f.do perduto art. 25 DL 34/2020
Agenzia delle Entrate - Codice fiscale e Partita IVA: 06363391001 16.702,00 € 2020 Contributo f.do perduto art. 2 DL 149/2020